Thursday, May 13, 2021

Dinner at Catch - Planet Hollywood

Dinner tonight was at Catch Seafood Grill. We started by ordering a bottle of Chenin Blanc. 

Itt was about $50USD. Some standout dishes but the highlight was the Three B's Mussells. 
These are cooked in beers butter and bacon - this the three B's. I had never had mussels prepared this way. They were so tasty. These are the tiny morsels that you could just eat dozens of with crusty bread.  

The green pea and avocado terrine was the surprise of the night. 
Such great pea flavor in the terrine accompanied by a great supporting cast of fresh avocado, endive and radish. This dish would throw a lot of people off due to the texture. But if you can get past that, the flavor will win you over. 

The scallops were cooked perfectly medium rare and simply seasoned.  

The octopus was similar to what was served at Star Class Grill although this seemed a bit more buttery. It needed more salt for my taste.

The seafood bisque had a deep flavor from the sea although could have done without the slice of bread in the bottom of the bowl.  

Dessert was a trolley they brought over and plated what you wanted. 
They had a creme brulee, cheesecake, chocolate covered strawberry and what I think was a chocolate Carmel tarte. I went with the creme brulee and cheesecake.
 Both were okay. The brulee certainly needed that candy crack to be able to call it a brulee. It did have a strong vanilla custard flavor. We had some Bailey's with dessert and they served it in a large margarita glass!! 

I think we have a new way to drink Bailey's!! Why hadn't we thought of this before?

They are also open for lunch so we may try that over the next couple of days. We will try Sutra (Indian) tomorrow night and probably Sunset Strip Steak House on Friday. Tomorrow for lunch will probably be Gusto. And perhaps I should try a Guy's Burger - for science of course.

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